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Game Rules

Try to score as many points as possible by filling in your scoresheet. You can only complete each field of your scoresheet once. At the end of the game you will have played 13 rounds and filled in your entire scoresheet (the fields 'Bonus', 'Total Top', and 'Total' are calculated automatically and can't be filled in by the player). If your roll doesn't fit any of your open fields (or you don't want to take it), you choose one field to cross off. You get to roll your dice 3 times per round. To keep dice that you don't want to reroll, simply click on the die.


Top section: only multiples of the given number are added up. Get at least 63 points (equal to 3 of each dice value) to receive a bonus of 35 points.

Three of a Kind and Four of a Kind: roll includes at least 3/4 dice of the same value. Entire roll is added up.

Full House: roll includes 3 dice of the same value and 2 dice of the same value. 5 identical values can also count as a Full House.

Small Street and Big Street: roll contains 4/5 consecutive values.

Kniffel: 5 dice of the same value

Chance: entire roll is added up without restrictions.